I love Google! The iGoogle homepage is very cool. I'll definitely set this as my homepage. This will allow me to have all my Google tools in one place. I played around with the settings and now my iGoogle page has my Google reader, gmail and the calendar that I set up. I'm thinking I can also add my blogger account to this page. This is the perfect way to have it all in one place. I needed a way to organize all my new learning in one place, and I found it!
I plan to utilize the Google Calendar as our office/ARD calendar. We schedule appointments, ARD meetings and other important school related items on a centralized calendar. This prevents us from double-booking ourselves and allows everyone to know what is happening. Last year we did this through our school outlook calendar, but we need the collaboration that the Google Calendar offers. I'm excited to share this with my office friends.
The google calendar will work great for ARD meetings. Also, I love my igoogle page as much as you do. Actually, I couldn't facilitate this course without it.