I've discovered the joys of Flickr! I love it! I have a ton of photos just sitting on several computers around the house. I'd love to get them transferred to Flickr; now I just need some "free time" whatever that is...
I decided to look for some images that go along with our theme for next year: "Gray Rocks!". I once again, found myself searching images for hours. These "things" could waste a lot of my time if I allowed it. I was able to find some cool images. Now I just have to think of some creative ways to use them.
I definitely see how teachers could use these images. There is basically an image for anything you need. They could use them in slideshows or even teach students how to capture the CC images to use in projects.
Picture from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tylerdurden/3359346666/sizes/l/
Picture from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tylerdurden/3359346666/sizes/l/
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